Liebster award


I really don’t think that we need much of an introduction here, ‘cuz even the most mundane would realise what this is really about, eh? (Me bragging about myself, of course!….)

To be honest, I wasn’t really that much ‘into’ this award, but when I received not one but three nominations, I began to feel ashamed of my own laziness.

Laze? For what?

For answering the questions posed to me and returning the favour.

I’ll be honest. I really don’t like to write on something that I’ve been told to by other people. When it comes to writing, I’m definitely a ‘my life, my rules’ kinda person. Anyways, that shame has finally paved the path to this post.

Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting herewith my nomination post for…..

The liebster award

The Liebster Award


The Liebster award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

(Further on, I’ll be going through the post as suggested in the rules)

1. Acknowledgments

As I previously said, to my absolute surprise, I’ve received not one but 3 nominations for this award, all of which were for my previous post, My first Love . And hence I would like to thank the following bloggers for bestowing upon me this gracious honour.

1. Binita of Educated unemployed Indian

Binita is a well educated woman who has sadly been in and out of jobs several times over the past few years. Her blog is all about sharing her own experiences as well as general opinions about unemployment and a few other things close to her heart and her life. A little humorous, yet a tad serious, her blog is a good reference for anyone wanting help on dealing with stress and other such burdens of unemployment. She also shares inspirational quotes from time to time. She hopes to connect with wonderful like minded people who can relate on similar life situations.

2. Sweta of Cloud and Sunshine

Sweta, a young wife, is a proud member of a modern, nuclear family which is still young and eager to mature. Her blog is home to their rendezvous with life and parenthood. A way for them to leave life-lessons for their son, and live a fulfilling life. It’s a tale of how two and a half imperfect people find those perfect moments of happiness. Their journey of parenthood and the (mis)adventures along the way.

3. Shellbell

Shellbell is a blog of a 37 year old single mother who lives in a small town in Tipperary, Ireland. Her blog is filled with her own experiences, written in a style with which the reader immediately feels a sense of comfort and familiarity. The experiences though random and varied are relatable and make up for an engaging read.

2. Displaying the award.

(I guess that’s already done. But then, who minds repetition of a colourful illustration? Not me! It’s text that gets on my nerves!)

The Liebster Award

3. My passion for blogging

Well…. The passion for my blogging is an off-shoot of my love for writing since time immemorial. (Okay…. Guess I’m being a little too poetic over here. What I basically mean is that I have always liked writing. Plain and simple.) My post, All about writing summarises just that. Then, I got to know about the blog of one of my close friends. (in real life) On reading it, I was inspired to write my own blog. Later, some experiences in my personal life found way from my brain to my phalanges after a meticulous process of analysis and refinement. Then on, as my life went on, so did my blog! 🙂

4. Random facts about me

Hmm…. I guessed I could try describing myself, but to my astonishment, I’m pretty much stumped right now. Anyways, I’ll give it a shot…

  • I like to inculcate mathematics in those aspects of my life where it’s really not necessary. Like calculating the average time taken from my college to my home by keeping a track record. And my best time. And speed. Etc. Etc.
  • I talk to myself frequently and in a voice loud enough so as to be easily confused with a fluent conversation with another person.
  • I can’t study in a library (Sidenote:- The fact right above this one should clarify why)
  • I tend to forget commands but have a knack for remembering numbers.
  • I find it very hard to delete or remove stuff, be it physical or otherwise. Guess it’s a part of my personality…

5. The nominations!

Wow! This is the first time I’m actually getting an opportunity to nominate anyone for anything, so I’ll definitely like to thank WordPress and of course the bloggers who nominated me in the first place.

Okay! So here it goes…..

Ahemm…. Presenting the nominations for Liebster award 2018! (Pompous background music) And the nominees are:-

1. Jblaide of Wit and Whimsy for their stimulating post: ‘Jelly Bean Effect’

2. Lost heart for their heartwarming post: ‘A letter to my Dad’

3. Paul Kardos of Paul Kardos for his really admirable post: ‘Making choices that count.’

4. Vishnu of Jovial Glutton for his storming trilogy titled: ‘The inside story: A manufacturered reality.’

5. Mohini of The Prescription for her poem: ‘Dear Grandkid’, which does strike a cord in your heart.

6. Ashutosh of The Honest Fabler for his fabulous post: ‘Story of her life – The society’s wrath.

All the above blogs are definitely worth a visit and I hope that you would enjoy reading their contents as much as I did.

6. The rules:-

The Liebster Award

(These have been copy pasted and are hence unedited)

If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, or you chose to start a blog post about the Liebster award; you should do the following:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you, and put a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will also help you out as well.
    1. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
    1. For the 2018 Liebster Award, I will be shaking things up! Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
    1. For the 2018 Liebster Award, I will be shaking things up! Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
    1. For the 2018 Liebster Award, I will be shaking things up! Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
    1. Provide 10 random facts about yourself. (Again this year I’m making this optional. If you wish to engage with your readers it’s a great idea to include random facts about you.)
    1. Provide 10 random facts about yourself. (Again this year I’m making this optional. If you wish to engage with your readers it’s a great idea to include random facts about you.)
    1. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel would enjoy blogging about this award the award.
    1. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here or simply link to this post.)
    1. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here or simply link to this post.)
  1. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post.

7. The notifications…


8. Finally, the ‘interview session’/ Q&A.

Now, since I’ve received questions from 3 nominations, I’ve decided to choose few from each of them so that nobody gets hurt! 🙂

1. How did you find the idea of starting your blog?

I guess I pretty much answered this question when I wrote about the passion for my blogging. Like I said, I discovered a blog written by my close friend. That and my ever present fondness for writing inspired me to start my own blog.

2. What kind of content do you enjoy writing the most? Articles, poetry, short story, daily life, journal, etc

Hmm…. Honestly, there’s no single response to this. I enjoy writing the most when I’ve freshly received a stroke of inspiration. And it’s mostly drawn from some real, personal experience that has held me riveted. So yes, I can choose daily life. But I don’t actually end up writing that. It’s a metamorphosis. I start up with a caterpillar (my experience/life) and end up with something much more evolved. A butterfly (my finished post)

3. We all get angry sometimes, what angers you the most in your day to day life?

Haha…. Honestly, if my friends or my parents were reading this (they probably would, after a while) they would be mocking me by now. Yup. I’m short tempered by nature as such. But if I were to choose a particular thing, it would be repetitive mistakes. I simply HATE it when someone does something wrong for the umpteenth time.

4 .Your idea of a perfect day- indoors or outdoors?

My idea of a perfect day would actually end up involving both. For the activities which I love are varied. They will involve an early morning walk through the woods, with a DSLR ready to shoot. Then, a lazy afternoon indoors during which I can read up whatever that comes to mind. Or write. An evening sunset at the beach, either alone or with someone dear. Then a hangout with my closest friends, followed by some indoor fights. (Yeah, it’s fun. Trust me.) Finally, I would love to spend some time in solitude, indoors, wishing that I got to do everything over again the next day. Oh, BTW, I could certainly write something on this!

5. If given the power to time-travel would you rather go into the past or the future? Give your reasons.

The past. For there would be a hell lot of things to see and to experience. I’ve always been fascinated by that. Learning from the past, revisiting and confirming the events myself. Plus, there have been a million ‘what-if’s in my mind. Maybe I could resolve atleast SOME of those.

Why not the future you ask….. Well, if there’s something that I’ve learnt in my small life of twenty something, it’s that there are ALWAYS some questions which are better left unanswered. Knowing the future is one of those. It’s more dangerous than it sounds. And definitely not worth the excitement. For life has the strangest of secrets to behold. And time is the guardian.

6. If you were to choose to be born with one disability (choose from blind, deaf and dumb) what would it be and why?

Why would I? But if I have to….. Then it would be dumb. For the world is WAYYYY too beautiful and melodious for me to miss anything. My voice….. I feel that it’s a lesser price to pay. Because I can still find some way to let out my emotions. (That being said, my sincere apologies if this answer appears offending to any person. It’s PURELY my personal opinion and by this I certainly don’t mean to disrespect or disregard any physically or mentally challenged person.)

7. Have you ever watched the cloud and imagined it to form some shape?

Lot of times. It was one of my favourite pastimes during my childhood summer holidays. For some reason I would mostly imagine a dog. I still don’t know why.

8. If given a second chance what would you do differently?

This is a very difficult question. Honestly, there are a hell lot of things that I would try, for like I previously said, there are literally a MILLION what if’s in my mind. But if I were to choose, the answer may surprise you.

It’s participation in a college festival.


I know, but I’ve ALWAYS regretted not taking part since the past three years and now it’s too late.


Because for me, that event is a symbol. A symbol for something that runs far more deeper. My introversion. My butterflies in the stomach. And a hell lot more that went wrong in my life that perhaps could’ve been corrected by this simple step. It is definitely something that I’ll always regret.

9. What is your idea of God and spirituality?

I certainly believe that God exists. In a spiritual form, as an eternal source of energy. I really can’t comment on religions or ‘spirits’ as such, but I’ve been impressed by Dan Brown’s book, Origin. In that book, though the protagonist successfully proves a world without God, a world where only the laws of physics prevail, he fails to prove something much more primal. The source of the laws. I think there’s only one answer.


And man, for his/her own good should believe that God exists. Why?

For if we don’t, then we must become our own God. And THAT is something, we as humans will never be ready for. To rule our own selves. That can only lead to destruction. It’s better to believe that there’s someone out there who’s watching, waiting to restore balance.

10. What is the story behind your blog and how did it get its name?

The story behind my blog….. Like I said, it started out as an off shoot of my love for writing, fertilized by a blog of my friend, and then blossomed through various experiences in my life. It got it’s name quite a while later. I was actually looking for something that would crisply define my blog and then, all of a sudden, as I visited pottermore, I knew I had it right. For the Pensieve represents exactly what it is. A collection of memories and thoughts which were analysed, visited and revisited to produce something which could be seen by anyone who wished to. Just dive in! 🙂

Now….. It’s my turn!

1. What was the reason/ inspiration behind your blog?

2. What are your blogging goals for 2018?

3. What’s the first thing that pops in your mind when….. (That thing should have popped in your mind by now 😉

4. Sun or moon?

5. What is the bestest piece of literature that you have come ever across?

6. When you were little, what did you want to be?

7. An ‘Eureka!’ moment in your life.

8. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

9. What is your definition of happiness?

10. Any Character (fictional or non-fictional) you believe that you would most relate with.

I’ll be waiting eagerly for your response!

And to the rest of my readers….. I hope that this post did hold your interest and wasn’t a just ‘scroll through’ thing! I did try adding a little personal zing, but the format is a little rigid. It’s an application form (sorta) after all!

Until next time

(T= Near zero to infinity)

For those interested, here’s a link that leads directly to the main post of this award:- The Liebster Award

20 Comments Add yours

  1. Congratulations on your award!!💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  2. follypen says:

    Congratulations 🎊…. It’s interesting to know someone out there also keeps time records of slightly irrelevant things also… Keep on blogging…. It’s always interesting to read your blog posts…..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you so much! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Marion Njeri says:

    Congratulations on the award.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  4. JBlaide says:

    Congratulations on your nominations!! It is awesome to see bloggers recognizing one another. 🙂

    Thank you also for the nomination! I’m so excited to post my own and nominate a few bloggers!! I must apologize for the delay in posting as I took the weekend off for Family but will be getting to it ASAP. 🙂

    Congrats again!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 😊.
      And you are welcome indeed!
      Don’t mind the delay at all! I’ll be waiting eagerly to read your response!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. therook42 says:

    Congrats on the Liebster nom!! 😍😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  6. Many congratulations to you 🌟

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations 💐💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 😊


    1. The Pensieve says:

      Thank you! 😊


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